The Salvans
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- The Salvans
Location and reservations

Masia located in the municipality of Sagàs
It is located 5km from the romanesque church of Sant Andreu de Sagàs dating from the XI century.
- Caserres (Barcelona)
- 8 to 13 people
CAPACITY of 16 people with the possibility of adding extra beds.
Know the amenities the Salvans
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Other equipment
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Activities in the natural environment
Enjoy the silence of the forests, grasslands and natural landscapes in the Berguedà (Barcelona province). A walk through the environments of the house will allow you to know the characteristics of the mediterranean forest and enjoy the streams and pools of water.
You can go hiking through different routes, more or less long, which will make you discover nature in its purest state, with all the wealth of fauna and flora that offer the ridges pre-pirinencas. Enjoy the rural tourism.
Other services included in the Salvans
Other services
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Location and bookings
Sagàs, Baix Berguedà (Barcelona). Independent rural accommodation.
Altitude: 650 m. Nearest town: 8 Km. Transport closest to: 9 Km away.
Latitude: 42.0168530 | Length: 1.9423769
Prices and booking calendar
Price for person and end of week: 80€
At least 16 people
Full week: to consult
Registration number PCC-001430

Number of register PCC-001430
Acollint-is the program d ajuts Next Generation per finançar els projectes d eficiència energètica i economia circular d empreses turístiques, l establiment de turisme rural Cal Masover of Vilardaga s have realitzat millores d eficiència energy, substituint the diesel per a system més eficient mitjançant l aerotèrmia i l aïllament of them cobertes.